

Visitors - prices 2025

PRICES 2025 

For individual visitors ( less than 10 pax) reservation is not requested. 

The booking is not mandatory for individual visitors: the ticket can be bought directly at the ticket office next to the entrance of the Theatre, which is also our Tourist Office (Piazza Matteotti, 12) or at the Basilica Palladiana.



Full Prices

Reduced Prices*


11 sights included

12 days

 €  22

 € 17


4 sight of your choice

8 days

 € 16

 € 14


1 day

  € 12

€ 9

 The 11 sights included in the VICENZA GOLD CARD are: Olympic Theatre, Civic Museum of Palazzo Chiericati, Natural history and archaeological Museum, church of Santa Corona, Galleries of Palazzo Thiene, Diocesan Museum, Palladio Museum, Gallerie d'Italia - Palazzo Leoni Montanari, Palladian Basilica ( according to the visit policy of the monument in force on the day of the visit), Jewellery Museum and Resistance and Risorgimenti Museum, the only one that is not located inside the city centre.

The VICENZA SILVER CARD allows to choose four museums among the aformentioned ones.

There are no guided tours available inside the Olympic Theatre, but groups can contact an authorised tour guide privatly, to organize a tailor-made tour of the sights.


* Reduced prices are applied to the folloqing categories: students up to 25 years old with university card; FAI, TCI, ISIC, CTG members, "Mantova Sabbioneta Card" holders.

Free admission is granted to the following categories: children up to the age of 17 years included, when not visiting with a school group; Italian and foreign journalists, upon presentation of document showing professional registration; Polizia di Stato, Carabinieri, Guardia di Finanza, Vigili del Fuoco e Polizia Penitenziaria; teachers and assistants accompanying school groups; ICOM member (International Council of Museums); authorised tour guides and tour leaders (with an official patent); people with disabilities and their accompanying person.


A free show of music and lights called Pop-Palladio Olimpico Project "Son et Lumière" is available for free inside the Olympic Theatre at specific hours of the day: as a group, it is possible to see it by booking specifically one of the following time slots: from Tuesday to Sunday, a9.30, 10.30, 11.30 e 14.30, 15.30, 16.30The show lasts for about 10 minutes and is included in the price of the ticket.

Pop light show available in July and August, from Tuesday to Sunday, at 10.30, 11.30, 12.30 e 15.30, 16.30, 17.30.



If you need to pay individual tickets in advance, please send your request to ( we accept only bank transfer for payments in advance).

Invoice, booking and prepayment of single tickets are available for tour operators and travel agencies via request to , specifying the date of the visit, the number of visitors and the type of ticket. Reservation fee applied € 1,50 per ticket.




FARES 2024-2025


School groups can visit the theatre with the Vicenza Card for Schools that has a reduced price of  € 6 per student or enter the theatre only for € 3 per student.

The Vicenza Card enables entrance to Teatro Olimpico, Civic Art Gallery of Palazzo Chiericati, Natural History and Archaeological Museum,   Risorgimento and Resistance Museum, Santa Corona Church, Diocesan Museum, Palladio Museum, Gallerie d'Italia - di Palazzo Leoni Montanari, Palladian Basilica ( exhibitions excluded) Jewellery Museum and Galleries of Palazzo Thiene.

Free entrance tourist guides, teachers and assistants with school and other groups, disabled people and their accompanying person.Those prices are available also for university groups.

The visit of the Teatro lasts about 30 minutes and there is no internal guide service.
If you would like to reserve a guided tour of the Teatro, you can contact an authorised guide of Vicenza.



Advance booking is always required for all groups exceeding 10 visitors:

-by mail: send your request to

-by phone: tel. +39 0444 964380 ( Mon-Fri 9-13,14-18)

At the moment of the reservation the information requested is number of students, number of eventual free admissions, name of the school, Country and city of origin, favorite time for the visit, age of the students.

The list of the students on the headed paper of the school is required at the visiting time.

Tickets have to be paid by bank transfer. Payments have to be received no later than 5 days before the date of the visit.
The tickets or museum cards will be issued by the ticket office at the Teatro Olimpico – Information Office of Piazza Matteotti 12 upon presentation of the registration form you will receive from the call center.
Confirmed reservations can be changed by phone call or e-mail only once.
Once the tickets are paid it is possible neither to cancel the transaction nor to be refunded.
Booking fees for schools: € 5,00 per class; for university € 5 every 25 students.


Info & Opening times

Garden of Teatro Olimpico - Vicenza


The Teatro Olimpico is open to the public from Tuesday to Sunday. It is closed on Monday, on the 25th of December and on the 1st of January.


From September the 1st until June the 30th:
Tuesday to Sunday 9-17 (last entrance 16.30)

From July the 1st to August the 31st:
Tuesday to Sunday 10-18 (last entrance 17.30)
Extraordinary openings in 2024:

Holidays: open on 6/1, on 31/3, on 25/4, on 1/5, on 2/6, on 15/8, on 8/9, on 1/11, on 8/12 and on 26/12. NEWS: 30/12 open

Special Monday openings: open on 1/4, on 29/4, on 6/5 and on 13/5

Extraordinary openings in 2025:

Holidays: open on 20/04, on 25/04, on 01/05, on 15/08, on 01/11, on 08/12 and on 26/12.

Special Monday openings: open on 06/01, on 21/04, on 02/06, on 18/08 and on 08/09.


The ticket office is located in the Tourist Office just close to the main entrance. Individual visitors, families and small groups (up to 10 pax) can buy the tickets directly at their arrival. Check the opening times of the Tourist Office here.

Booking is requested for groups and schools.

Photography is permitted without flash light. You may not use tripods or monopods without permission.

Inside the Theatre, there is no internal guide service. In case of necessity, it is allowed to contact an external and expert tourist guide to visit the Theatre.

In the Teatro Olimpico and in the other Civic Museums the access is allowed to small pets (held in their owner's arms or with a dog carrier), guide dogs for visually impaired/blind people, servicedogs for assistance to people with disabilities, domestic pets certified by public health facilities to support therapeutic treatment (pet therapy).

Wheelchair access is possible. Equipped toilets are available.

Please note that another ticket office is located in the Basilica Palladiana, open 10 to 18.  Closed on Monday.


Group visits - prices 2025

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PRICES 2025 


Groups (of minimum 10 participants) can buy the following tickets:



 Group prices


11 sights included

12 days

 €  17


4 sight of your choice

8 days

 € 14



2 sights included: Teatro Olimpico and Palazzo Chiericati

8 days

  € 11


The 11 sights included in the VICENZA GOLD CARD are: Olympic Theatre, Civic Museum of Palazzo Chiericati, Natural history and archaeological Museum, church of Santa Corona, Galleries of Palazzo Thiene, Diocesan Museum, Palladio Museum, Gallerie d'Italia - Palazzo Leoni Montanari, Palladian Basilica ( according to the visit policy of the monument in force on the day of the visit), Jewellery Museum and Resistance and Risorgimenti Museum, the only one that is not located inside the city centre.

The VICENZA SILVER CARD allows to choose four museums among the aformentioned ones.

Free entrance is granted to authorised tour guides and tour leaders (with an official patent), people with disabilities and accompanying persons, children under 18 years old.

There are no guided tours available inside the Olympic Theatre, but groups can contact an authorised tour guide privatly, to organize a tailor-made tour of the sights.


A free show of music and lights called Pop-Palladio Olimpico Project "Son et Lumière" is available for free inside the Olympic Theatre at specific hours of the day: as a group, it is possible to see it by booking specifically one of the following time slots: from Tuesday to Sunday, a9.30, 10.30, 11.30 e 14.30, 15.30, 16.30.

The show lasts for about 10 minutes and is included in the price of the ticket.

Pop light show available in July and August, from Tuesday to Sunday, at 10.30, 11.30, 12.30 e 15.30, 16.30, 17.30.


Group visits inside the Olympic Theatre last for about 30 minutes.

HOW TO BOOK YOUR ENTRANCE TO THE THEATRE (it is mandatory for groups):

 *Send an request in advance via email, at
*reach out to our call center at tel.0039 0444 964380 (Open Mon-Fri 9 -13 / 14-18)

At the moment of the reservation it is ncessary to specify the following data: type of chosen ticket, number of visitors, number of eventual free admissions, country and city of origin, favourite time for the visit. 

Before issuing the payment via bank transfer, it will be possible to modify the number of participants by writing to per ricevere il preventivo aggiornato.

Payments have to be received via bank transfer, no later than 5 days before the date of the visit. Invoices, if needed, must be requested at the moment of the booking.

Online payments are available only for individual visitors, on the Ticketlandia platform.

Reservation feei: € 10 every 25 participants.( maximum 50/60 people per time slot)

Plan your visit

Open from Tuesday to Sunday,
closed on Monday.
From September to June: 9 am-5 pm, last admission 4.30 pm.
July and August: 10 am - 6 pm, last admission 5.30 pm
Closed on the 25th December and on 1st January.


Admission tickets:

Individual visitors
€ 22 Vicenza GoldCard -11 sights,
€ 17 Vicenza Silver Card - choose 4 sights out of 11
€ 12 Teatro Olimpco
Reservation not required.
€ 17.00 Vicenza Gold Card - 11 sights,
€ 14.00 Vicenza Silver Card - choose 4 sights out of 11
€ 11.00 Teatro Olimpico + Palazzo Chiericati
€ 3  Ticket for schools
Reservation required:
Call center: +39 0444 964380

Teatro Olimpico
Piazza Matteotti 11
36100 Vicenza (Italy)


Tel. +39 0444 320854 / +39 0444 964380


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and its province.

Contact us

IAT OFFICE – TOURIST INFORMATION - Phone: +39 0444 320854
Phone: +39 0444 994770 - Fax: +39 0444 99 47 79
Email: - Web:
Facebook page

Non è prevista la prenotazione per i visitatori individuali 

For individual visitors, the ticket can be bought directly at the ticket office, without reservation.